
Saturday 30 May 2015

Other flowerbeds

Abstract digital art, 
In shocking shades of red and purple, with a few wisps of white and a grounding green. More fractal art for the bold.

Sunday 17 May 2015

fractal trace art video I

Different stages of fractal trace manipulation of miniature colour pencil drawing on card. This was photographed and edited with Gimp, using its fractal trace filter.

Big Think Interview With Benoit Mandelbrot

The creator of the Mandelbrot Set, talks about his discovery of fractals. A must watch if you are interested in fractals, fractal art and mathematics.

stripes abstract fractal

A simple colour pencil drawing on card, of a few colourful stripes, becomes entirely different after using the digital manipulation program Gimp.

blue heart abstract fractal

Digital image, result of manipulation of colour pencil drawing on card. Fractal trace.

green leaf fractal

This is another digital manipulation, using fractal trace filter, of an original colour pencil drawing on card. Green and black.

blue and white fractal

Saturday 16 May 2015

fractal heart

Still playing with fractals and shocking shades of pink

fractal bubbles

Three different stages of fractal trace manipulation of a colour pencil drawing on card.

in the pink

Abstract, digital art, fractal art Another digital manipulation of a colour pencil drawing on paper.

black ink fractal

digital manipulation using fractal trace of a photograph of a black ink drawing on paper